Eb1b recommendation letter sample (Jordan Bush)
He ha s be e n a ke y pl a ye r i n t he de ve l opm e nt of nove l l i ga nd-bora ne c om pl e xe s t ha t prom ot e c l e a ne r a nd. Recommendation letters are essential in petition for employment-based immigration benefits. This step can significantly save time to USCIS examiner and should reduce a risk he would miss something important and send RFE (Request for Evidence).
Letters of endorsements from experts in your field.
Reference letters from leading experts clearly defined this applicant as one of the very top scientists in this unique specialty of biometeorology.
Therefore I can't help you with sample reference letters, but I can share with you the basic principles my cover letter was written on. A letter of recommendation is also called reference letter, and it is a letter written by an expert in the alien's field or some otherwise authoritative person in an allied or supported field. The majority of these letters should be from independent experts outside the alien applicant's circle.
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