How to write a reference letter for yourself ... (Shane Nelson)
Request a reference letter only from people who know you and your skills. A reference letter is one of the mandatory documents that are required for admission to the university. In addition to skills that make the candidate well-suited to that particular course of study, you also might include If you find yourself stumbling over something as you read aloud, consider revising it so it's easier to read.
An effective reference letter could mean the difference between a candidate's acceptance or rejection.
Then lock your letter of reference to it like something from Escape from Alcatraz.
How you know your friend: In the first paragraph, give a little background on yourself, how long you've known the person you're writing about, and what your relationship to them. Some employers write reference letters that have a "to whom it may concern" header; others may address a particular person directly. In addition to skills that make the candidate well-suited to that particular course of study, you also might include If you find yourself stumbling over something as you read aloud, consider revising it so it's easier to read.
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